
Showing posts from January, 2024

The Character and Nature of God

We have started our first official lecture week today. We are learning about the character and nature of God. They have built in quiet times that have allowed me to wake up and immediately dive into the Bible each day. I plan to continue to keep up this habit when I come back from the DTS. Additionally, today we learned a fun skit to share the gospel with children when we go on outreach. Above is a picture of our team. Thank you all for your prayers.

New Zealand

I am in New Zealand! I have spent the first couple of days getting to know the team and staff. Now we are starting the training with hearing our leaders testimonies. Next week we will have our first outside speaker. The picture above is our base view.


I am super excited to tell you all that I have reached my fundraising goal! Thank you all so much for helping make this mission trip possible. I hope that you will continue praying for me and praising God for his wonderful works.

Almost There!!!

I am only a week and a half away from leaving for my mission trip on Friday the 19th. I appreciate everyone who has donated toward my mission trip and made it possible. I am very grateful for all of you who have been praying for me and plan to continue while I am there. Here are some areas you can pray for, but mostly I feel better knowing that people are praying for me however the Lord leads them. Praises: I have received a total of $10,745 in donations, and I am almost to my goal of $12,400!  My tickets to New Zealand are purchased! I graduated from high school! I do not need any more shots for a few months! I have most of my supplies and gear for my mission trip! My DTS Leader reached out to me and is helping me with the final details! Prayers: That all my flights go well (all 32 hours of travel time)! That I can sleep on the plane. That I reach my goal of $12,400. That finalizing all the details goes well. That I am eager to devote myself fully to learning more about God and being