Almost There!!!

I am only a week and a half away from leaving for my mission trip on Friday the 19th. I appreciate everyone who has donated toward my mission trip and made it possible. I am very grateful for all of you who have been praying for me and plan to continue while I am there. Here are some areas you can pray for, but mostly I feel better knowing that people are praying for me however the Lord leads them.

  • I have received a total of $10,745 in donations, and I am almost to my goal of $12,400! 
  • My tickets to New Zealand are purchased!
  • I graduated from high school!
  • I do not need any more shots for a few months!
  • I have most of my supplies and gear for my mission trip!
  • My DTS Leader reached out to me and is helping me with the final details!
  • That all my flights go well (all 32 hours of travel time)!
  • That I can sleep on the plane.
  • That I reach my goal of $12,400.
  • That finalizing all the details goes well.
  • That I am eager to devote myself fully to learning more about God and being Christlike.
Thank you all!


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