I am delighted to be able to tell you about an amazing opportunity that I have coming up. I have been accepted into the Arise Discipleship Training School (DTS) at Youth With A Mission (YWAM) in Queenstown, New Zealand. DTS is a 6-month training program that is split into two parts. During the first three months, I will learn more about God to be able draw closer to Him with fewer distractions while training to be a short-term missionary. Then, in the last 3 months, our class will be sent out to another country so that we can put into practice what we learn and share the gospel with others. This DTS usually sends their classes to Fiji, Papua New Guinee, or Indonesia. While I am unsure which of these countries I will go to yet, I will update you when I find out. I will depart on January 19th and return on June 22nd. I am thrilled to be able to spend half a year focusing on Jesus and obeying His command to share the gospel to the ends of the earth. I believe this is something that God is calling me to do right now. I hope that through this experience God will show me how He plans to use me to further His kingdom. After YWAM I plan to go to Grove City college for a degree in Biblical and Religious Studies to prepare for pastoral ministry or missions.   

I ask you for support of my DTS, not only through money, but also, and especially, through prayer. Please pray that I will stay safe, and that God will relieve me of any fear or doubts of His plans for me. I'd also appreciate it if you could pray that God will provide enough money.

If you believe that God is calling you to support me financially, I will be incredibly grateful. Any amount of money is appreciated. The expected expense for airfare, 3 months of DTS training, and 3 months of mission outreach is $12,400. I know that if it is truly God’s will for me to go, then He will provide the funds for my trip in His wonderful ways. I don't want to put any financial burden on you, but if you feel financially comfortable and called to give, I would really appreciate it.

If you are able to support me financially, you can send your gift in one of the following ways:

1.      Donate through Rochester Christian Reformed Church’s website, www.rochestercrc.org/giving.

a.       Click the “e-giving” button. 

b.      Select “One-time” donation

c.       Choose “Other” in the fund selection (scroll to the bottom because it is the second to last option.)

d.      Be sure to note that your gift is for Zach Veenje.

2.      Donate by cash or a check payable to “Zachary Veenje” and mail it to my home (PM me for address.)

3.      Donate through my parents’ PayPal or Venmo

a.       PayPal - https://www.paypal.me/RVeenje

b.      Venmo - https://venmo.com/u/Danny-Veenje

Thank you in advance for any way that you're able to support me. I am super excited for this experience and hope to share it with you. I plan to keep everyone updated through my new blog, www.zachveenje.blogspot.com, during my mission trip. If you are interested in learning more about the Queenstown, New Zealand YWAM base, you can visit their website here: www.ywamqueenstown.com. Also, feel free to email any questions, advice, or words of wisdom. 

Thank you again! 

Zach Veenje


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